What I've been eating: I have been eating a very 'varied' diet lately that includes anything from McDonald's Chicken McNuggets to quinoa salads. I have tried to include more vegetables in my diet, as recommended, but I find that the veggies I usually go to and love I currently do not enjoy (nice way to say that just thinking about them makes me gag...) Things like broccoli for instance, that I used to love... now? ewwwww! :) I basically stick to tomatoes and cucumber for now. I am however, having lots more fruit - kiwis, apples, bananas, grapes, watermelon, strawberries... Fruit is great and easy and makes fabulous snacks!
A thing I realized is protein seems to help with my nausea. So I've pretty much had my favorite quinoa salad for lunch most days of the week at work for the last 4-5 weeks - it's really yummy and I can feel it helps my nausea pretty quickly. And it's got a pretty decent amount of protein in it!
I've also had lots of hard boiled eggs, and I eat lots of dairy products for calcium and protein also... I drink lots of skim milk, have some cheese (not soft cheeses though, as apparently some of them are 'dangerous'...) lots of low fat yogurt...
I have the occasional granola bar here and there...
I read in a few places that carbs and/or whole grains helped nausea - well not for me! I started trying to calm it down with some whole grains and crackers and felt miserable - I felt full all the time, but I was still hungry, still had nausea, and couldn't eat any more... I literally had to force myself to eat, it was not pretty... I didn't want to eat anymore... never thought I would ever say that! :)
So for weekday lunches and snacks I'm doing ok - it's the evening meals that are more challenging - a combination of the evening being my worst nausea time and the long drive home which means waiting to eat for a long time - it all makes it extra miserable. Having to prep dinner with all the odors and the hunger and the nausea, not good... So I've resorted to eating from the 'drive-thru' more than a few times. The idea that I only need to wait 5 minutes and it's ready to eat and warm - it's just heaven... I try to get the healthier options on the menu, the ones I am used to - like the grilled chicken burger at Harvey's, and some salads at Wendy's and McDonald's... but sometimes I just feel like fries and chicken McNuggets - what can I say! :) I think that so long as it's in the mix along with a lot of other healthier meals, it can't be that bad...
Quantity-wise, I am not limiting my intake anymore, the way I used to when I counted points, but I try and go for the healthier things when I eat more. I'm definitely not doing the 'eating for two' thing. They say you only need about 300 extra calories a day. I have quickly realized that I am used to a certain quantity of food a day - but a quantity that is meant for weight loss - I have been on weight watchers for so long! 300 extra calories are on top of a much higher number of calories than what I am used to... something like 2000-2300 (Angie All the Way explained it well in her post on Feb. 8th - did you know she was pregnant as well?! :) So yeah - I think I am eating within the range, but I have not been counting - I figure if I keep eating as healthy as possible, then everything should be A-Ok...
Thanks for your comments/ideas ladies, that helps a lot!!! :)
next up - exercises!
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