Monday, September 29, 2008

Weigh in #2

155.8 lbs
That's a 1 lb loss for this week.

I have no time to blog this morning, but I had to at least post my weigh in...

Work is hell. I don't want to be too hard on myself, I'm in the middle of an unusually extremely hard 3 weeks... I just have to hang in there... one day at a time, I will get through this...

I exercised this morning...

I can't wait to have more time to blog and read all your blogs...


Kim @ Kim and Mikey said...

One of my favorite sayings is "How do you eat an elepant? .... One bite at a time."

That 1lb loss is something to be proud of. Keep going the right things, and making good choices at great things will happen.

Mel said...

Hey you! WOW I can read your blog now or at least this one! I'm so excited to be on this journey with you and you're right that we can do this together. Congrats on the pound loss this week. That's what I had too. Way to go on exercising too. I'm sitting here contemplating if I want to run or not. I'm pretty darn happy sitting here right now. Biggest Loser is on tomorrow and I know I will run then! Have a great week.

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