Saturday, October 16, 2010

Rediscover Your World - WonderBra Women of Wonder

Mission #1 = Accomplished!

This week's mission was about exploring another country's cuisine by taking a cooking class with my husband. I had always wanted to take a cooking class and WonderBra made that happen for me :)

They suggested a bunch of options where I could take the class, but one stood out: Marni Wasserman's. Her healthy approach to cooking was just in line with what I am doing with this blog - learn ways to get healthier by cooking more healthy home made food, among other things :)

Unfortunately, I had to schedule the class in the afternoon and since S ended up having to go back to work he wasn't be able to attend... Between him and me I'm the one who could use the class more (he's actually a great cook!!) so I thought it would be fun to do the class on my own and then serve him the food I learned to make when he got home from work :)

I have to be honest with you - I was SOOOOO nervous to do the mission. This would be my very first day on my own at home with Baby L, I would get a guest and have to cook and document the whole thing -  all at the same time... Marni was great at helping me with the whole situation - she directed the class in a way that would let me stop whenever Baby L was interrupting, and whenever I couldn't put my hands in the dough because I was holding Baby L, she would take over and explain what she was doing... She even took the camera and shot a few images of me, cooking away :) Phew!

Here's what we made:

Yin Yang Miso Soup

Arame Soba Noodle Salad

Tangy Teriyaki Stir-Fry

Here's my video of the mission - please note that the links I am referring to in the video are available in the Youtube description and also at the bottom of this post - I thought I could add them within the video (you can't do that on Youtube, oops!) which is why I keep saying click here lol Also, please forgive the poor framing of some of these shots, if I am alone to set up the video next time, I'll take the time to make sure the camera is set properly - I was just too nervous this time :)

It was so nice in the end to be able to say that I did it!! :) I learned a lot too - from new ingredients to cooking tips and meal planning tips... It was really fun and informative - and at the end I had dinner ready for the husband and I - tasty and healthy food - the best! It was pretty easy to make too - I can definitely easily recreate it now that I've seen the whole process of making it during the class... And it made quite a good amount of food - enough for a few days worth of lunches. 

Here are the links mentioned in the video:
Women of Wonder on Facebook


Anonymous said...

That was wonderful! The soba noodles with edamame looked delicious, and it was fun to watch you learning to cook it. You're so cute!

marie said...

HA! Cheater with your professional editing skills :P

You were great :)

Kat said...

terrific job! looks like it was a lot of fun :-)

cinemarie said...

Thank you for your comments ladies :)

@chezjulie - The soba noodle salad was delicious indeed, I think it was my favorite recipe of the three...

@marie - Thank goodness for my editing skills because my camera skills and my screen presence suck - LOL

@Kat - Thank you, it was really fun to do, hope you are having fun on your missions too :)

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